Aloe vera and Swine Flu

Aloe Vera and swine flu go very well together. It appears, so far, that this form of flu, besides being possibly lab-produced, is a very mild form, but the doom-mongers and panic producers are out in force, telling us that it will massively increase in severity and fatalities come autumn and winter.
Well, it doesn't have to be like that. We can all take steps to minimise the risks, without resorting to untested, speedily produced vaccines which could in all probability make us worse, but the drug companies even richer.
We only succumb to colds, flu, or any other infectious illness if our immune system is not as efficient as it should be. We are surrounded by millions of germs every day, but most of us only rarely get ill. This is because the body is perfectly capable of protecting itself, given the right support.
This is where Aloe vera, amongst other substances comes in. As previously mentioned, one of the main areas aloe helps is in the immune system, where approx 70% of our immune system is. Along with a healthy whole food diet, probiotics, most of the time this is sufficient to keep us healthy, especially when taking exercise, and relaxation to keep stress at bay.
Whatever infectious illness we are talking about, basic measures, like frequent hand-washing, personal cleanliness, without being fanatical are helpful.
Forever also do supplements which are beneficial in these instances: Garlic and thyme are both potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal, you can take more than the suggested dose if necessary.
There is Echinacea supreme, which as well as high-quality Echinacea, contains goldenseal and grape seed extract, which have the added benefits of being powerful against Candida and thrush, as well as colds and flu. Bee propolis is another powerful anti-viral agent, used by the bees to keep their hives sterile. Not forgetting Vitamin C, which is helpful in normal doses to boost the immune system, and in higher doses to combat infections: absorbent-C.

Forever living products in flu season
• Aloe 2GO
• Echinacea supreme
• Garlic and thyme
• Bee propolis
• Royal jelly
For more information about this products visit:

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem

Dr. Mercola has written a calm, informative article on this subject, which can be accessed on free subscription to his newsletters at He has a huge database of previous articles, including this one, and an active forum to ask questions, or to help others.

Get ready for Cold and Flu Season

One of the pleasant certainties of life -- at least here in Canada -- is the coming of autumn, a three-month period when nature's trees begin to lose their leaves after offering a magnificent display of blazing reds, pinks, yellows and rusty combinations of rich colors.
It all happens round about September, October.

But Cold and flu season in Canada runs from October until April. We would like to remind Canadians of the important safety precautions they should keep in mind to protect themselves and their families.

We at Forever have long known about the benefits of Echinacea, and now the scientific community have at last endorsed our belief. My advice is to keep some in stock, you never know when you might need to fight off an infection.

Echinacea – ‘can prevent a cold’
Taking the herbal remedy Echinacea can more than halve the risk of catching a common cold, US researchers say.
They found it decreased the odds of developing a cold by 58% and the duration of colds by a day-and-a-half.
Experts believe Echinacea, a collection of nine related plant species indigenous to North America, may work by boosting the body’s immune system.

"Echinacea may reduce the duration of illness and decreases the severity of cough, headache, and nasal congestion”
Professor Ron Cutler of
the University of East London

Forever stocks superior quality Echinacea along with a complete range of nutritional supplements which can be useful during cold and flu season.

Forever Garlic-Thyme®
Forever Lycium Plus®
Forever Bee Propolis®
Forever Bee Pollen®

For more information about this supplements please visit

Understanding Your Skin Structure and Skin Care Routine

The skin is made up of 3 layers.Each layer plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin.
The bottom or deepest layer of the skin is the hypodermis. It is made up of fatty tissue that cushions and supports the two layers of skin above it.
The middle layer of skin is called the dermis. It contains collagen and elastin which give the skin its form, shape and elasticity. The collagen and elastin in young, healthy skin are constantly renewed. That's why children's skin bounces back into shape without getting any fine lines. Older skin tends to sag and wrinkle because the collagen and elastin are damaged and not renewed as often. The dermis is also where the blood capillaries, hair follicles, sweat and oil glands are found. As we age, oil glands become less active, causing skin to become drier and more prone to the formation of fine lines.
The top layer or epidermis, is where the critical function of cell renewal takes place.
New skin cells are born at the base of the epidermis and slowly move upward, losing moisture and flattening out as they rise until they form a paper thin barrier at the top of the epidermis. This indispensable new barrier guards against moisture loss and environmental damage.
The cells in younger skin are replaced about every 15 -30 days. As we age, this process takes twice as long.

Sun exposure and pollution damage the moisture barrier in the epidermis and the elastin and collagen in the dermis. This causes the skin to lose elasticity. As a result fine lines and wrinkles will form. In addition, sun exposure can cause the skin to produce excess melanin, which leads to the formation of dark spots on the skin.

A skin care routine that includes cleansing, toning and moisturising will minimize the effects of aging, sun exposure and pollution
Cleansing with a gentle cleanser removes dirt, pollutants and excess oil from the skin while preserving the skin's critical moisture barrier. Without proper cleansing, pores will get clogged, the skin will be more prone to breakouts, and can appear dull
Sonya® Aloe Purifying Cleanser
Contains aloe and fruit extracts
Gently removes makeup and debris
Won’t over dry skin
Aloe Fleur de Jouvence® Exfoliating Cleanser
A gentle, mild cleansing lotion Perfect for removing facial and eye makeup, Contains Vitamin C, Hypo-allergen

Toning helps control surface oils and hydrates the skin. Toners also remove any remaining traces of dirt, makeup, or cleanser from your skin and prepare it for the third step of a daily skin care routine.
Sonya® Aloe Refreshing Toner
Contains white tea extract, Alcohol-free, Refreshes and hydrates
Aloe Fleur de Jouvence® Rehydrating Toner
Tones and moisturizes the skin, Alcohol-free formula, Contains Aloe Vera

Moisturising protects the skin from environmental stressors. Moisturiser protects your skin's natural moisture barrier, which holds moisture in your skin and keeps it soft and supple.
Sonya® Aloe Balancing Cream
Sonya® Aloe Balancing Cream contains aloe plus revitalizing extracts and advanced moisturizers. These rich ingredients will help maintain proper moisture balance and appearance of your skin.
Aloe Fleur de Jouvence® Firming Foundation Lotion
To achieve these results, the lotion contains a blend of Aloe Vera and other special moisturizers, humectants and conditioners, together with the Collagen and Elastin needed to maintain good skin structure and prolong a youthful-looking appearance. It also contains a protective agent to help shield the skin from environmental elements such as wind and pollution, whose cumulative effects may jumpstart the signs of aging. Also contains vitamins A, C and E.

Consistent Habits Lead to Consistent Results
Routines are important.

When it comes to skin care, routine is very important. Using the right Forever Living products, regularly and consistently, is the best way to get the very best results. That's because our formulas are designed to have a cumulative effect on your skin. Regular use insures top performance. Simply incorporate your customized skin care regimen into your regular grooming routine-twice a day, every day. Taking a little bit of time out for your skin each morning and evening will guarantee that it will look its best for a very long time to come!

Fight Arthritis

The condition of Arthritis is familiar to most of us and affects many thousands of people every year. Osteo Arthritis is caused by wear and tear of the large weight bearing joints, such as the knees, ankles and hips. It also occurs quicker in the highly mobile joints of the cervical and lumbar spine as well as the shoulder girdle. The lubrication and ease of movement of these joints are maintained by synovial fluid within the joint and the healthiness of the cartilage which surrounds the interface of the bones at the joint. With age and over use, the synovial fluid shrinks and cartilage undergoes wear and tear, eventually causing bone to grind against bone. This causes pain and poor mobility.

How Aloe Vera Works

In Acute, Painful and Swollen Joints
Acutely inflamed swollen joints caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis or trauma respond very well to ingestion of Aloe Vera Juice, as well as topical application of Aloe Vera Cream or jelly on the affected joints.
Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory agents such as Bradykininase, salicylates, natural steroids called phyto-steroids and vitamins A,B,C and E which act as powerful anti-oxidants. They act by mopping up high speed super oxides produced during the process of inflammation. Aloe Vera is also high in mineral content; these are needed for enzyme reactions in the joint and allow the joint to heal quicker.
Osteo Arthritis and long standing Rheumatoid Arthritis eventually result in deformation of the joint and loss of function.
Marked improvements can be made with Aloe Vera if taken on a regular basis. Aloe Vera contains high levels of glucosamine which is required for cartilage formation.
The anti-inflammatory effects of Aloe Vera relieve sore and inflamed joints. The lignin content in Aloe Vera allows for deep penetration through the skin. Orthodox medicines can help but have their own side effects. Aloe Vera has no side effects.

How to apply Aloe Vera cream
Clean the skin over the affected joint and apply MSM cream or Heat Lotion topically. Gently massage in for 20 seconds and repeat the process. In acutely inflamed joints effective pain relief can be obtained by applying every hour. In chronic conditions four times a day would be ample.
To deal with conditions that have a longer duration of pain, for example, Osteo Arthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis, it is important to maintain a regular drink of Aloe Vera. This can vary between 40-60 mls 4times a day. It can take up to 2-3 months to produce beneficial effect. It is important to note that compliance is the essence of success, particularly in conditions that have been on going for 20-30 years.

In combination with Active HA , Aloe Heat Lotion or MSM cream for topical treatment and massage, Forever Freedom attains exceptional results in increasing the overall quality of life, without fear of adverse reactions and side effects.

Forever Active HA provides a unique form of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, with moisturizing and lubricating properties, plus Ginger Oil and Turmeric,¬ making it one of the most powerful nutritional joint and skin moisturizing supplements on the market. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a special protein that our bodies produce to lubricate and cushion our joints and muscles, as well as to insure adequate skin hydration. As we age, our bodies produce less and less HA. With less HA, our joints can lose their natural lubrication, and our skin appears rough and dry. Until recently, HA had to be injected because the digestive system could not absorb it in its natural state; but thanks to the Injuv® process, HA may now be consumed orally. And for centuries, Chinese herbalists have used Ginger and Turmeric to help promote proper joint function. With low molecular weight HA, plus the power of Ginger Oil and Turmeric,

Forever Active HA is your key to becoming a well-oiled machine again!
• Lubricates the joints and moisturizes skin
• Unique form of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid
• Contains beneficial ginger and turmeric root for the joints

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem


1.What is Forever Freedom?
An orange flavoured nutritional drink specially formulated by Forever Living Products for aiding in the maintenance of proper joint function.
2. What are the main ingredients in Forever Freedom?
Forever Freedom's primary ingredient is our patented stabilised Aloe Vera Gel. A 4 fluid ounce (120 mls) drink of Forever Freedom contains: 1500mg of Glucosamine, 1200mg Chondroitin, 720mg MSM and 250mg of Vitamin C (which works synergistically with MSM).
3. What is Glucosamine? Chondroitin? MSM?
-Glucosamine is a substance found naturally in the body. It is a form of amino sugar, known to assist in cartilage formation and repair. It is also known for rebuilding damaged joints, tendons, cartilage and soft tissue.
- Chondroitin is one of the most vital of the compounds in connective tissue, which is responsible for building and supporting the cartilage. As a nutritional supplement, this naturally occurring compound provides potent support for strong, healthy cartilage and joints.
- MSM, also known as methyl-sulfonyl-methane, is an organic sulphur. Sulphur is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body found in every cell. It is found in food, but is lost when washed, cooked or steamed. The body uses MSM to create new healthy cells as well as other health benefits.
4. Can I overdose on Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM?
No. Because all three elements occur naturally in the body, your body uses what is needed and flushes any excess out.
5. Are there any side effects?
There have been no negative side effects reported. MSM has been used as a dietary supplement for many years with no reports of negative reactions. Glucosamine and Chondroitin also have no known negative side effects. Be sure to consult your physician if you have any concerns or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
6. How much should I drink a day?
Because your body uses these natural components (Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM) daily, we recommend you drink Forever Freedom every day. Consumption may vary based on body size, age and type of condition you currently might be experiencing. We recommend you start with 4 fluid ounces daily and then later adjust to what best works for you.
7. When will I see results?
Everyone's body will respond differently, however incorporating the supplements into the Aloe Vera drinking Gel dramatically speeds up the absorption process. Based on some of our personal testimonials, many people experienced relief within days of drinking Forever Freedom. While initial relief may be felt in days, new growth of cartilage, and repair of joint injuries, will take weeks or months. The body will always gain from the benefits that Forever Freedom provides, but in different ways for different people.
8. What is the difference between Forever Freedom and Aloe Vera Gel?
Although both of these wonderful drinks contain our 100% pure stabilised aloe vera gel, the benefits of each are different. Our Aloe Vera Gel drink is rich in vitamins and minerals and helps boost energy and stimulates the metabolism. While our new Forever Freedom, which also contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and Vitamin C, primarily focuses on the alleviation of aching bones and joints. It also helps maintain healthy cartilage and joints. While you can enjoy some of the same benefits in each drink, they both have their distinct functions. Many people choose to take both.
9. What are the benefits of drinking Freedom?
Forever Freedom helps the whole body, therefore not only do you receive relief from aching joints but it also promotes healthy cells, skin, nails and hair.
10. Who should I share Forever Freedom with?
Everyone! It can be used to aid wear & tear problems, and to protect hard-working joints in sports & athletics.
11. What does it cost?
Price per bottle $30.72 CAD (33.8 fl.oz.)
12. How can I get started?
Please contact 416-562-1671 to place your order
or go on-line shopping click on SHOP NOW under the picture with all FLP products

Clean & Lean with Aloe Vera Detoxification Slimming Program

Our nutritional cleansing program known as Clean & Lean is a safe and effective way to detoxify your body and helps you to achieve your desired weight. The program comes with a Clean 9 pack and a FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ pack.

Phase 1 & 2 (Days 1 to 9) Clean and Burn Less than $16 per day!

Phase 3 (Days 1 to 30) Lose and Maintain Less than $8 per day!

Clean 9 aims to detoxify your body completely. Your body accumulates toxins from diet and the environment daily. These toxins harm your body cells and interfere with your body functions. Through regular detoxification and cleansing, your body will become healthier and therefore allows better absorption and utilisation of nutrients.

FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ is the third step in the program.
It is a 30-day program that teaches how to eat properly, exercise, increase your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle. Lean™ Program is designed to help you achieve a balance between fun and great health. With a commitment to completing this program, you will learn how to live your life free of yo-yo dieting, unhealthy eating practices and other nutritional and fitness misconceptions

Clean 9 Package:
1. 3 x Aloe Vera Gel
2. Forever Lite Meal Replacement Shakes (Vanilla)
3. Forever Bee Pollen
4. Garcinia Plus
5. Clean & Lean Booklet

FOREVER Nutri-Lean™ Package:
1. 3 x Aloe Vera Gel
2. 2 x Forever Lite Meal Replacement Shakes (Vanilla)
3. Forever Bee Pollen
4. Garcinia Plus
5. Forever Lean
6. Forever Active Probiotic
7. Clean & Lean Booklet

Aloe Vera Gel contains all 8 essential amino acids and has the distinct ability to gently break down, loosen and assist in the natural dispersal of residues that are built up in the digestive tract. In addition to Aloe Vera distinct detoxifying abilities, bowel regularity and increased protein absorption may occur along with a simultaneous decrease of unfriendly bacteria.

Forever Lite shake can be a healthy, tasty way to manage your weight. If used as a meal replacement, eat at least one nutritiously complete, low-calorie meal a day, including fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Each shake contains 18 amino acids and trace elements including iron, selenium, chromium and iodine.

Bee Pollen is one of the most complete foods available. Bee pollen contains all the vitamins of the B-complex and Vitamin C. Our Bee Pollen contains Beta Carotene, plus numerous minerals and enzymes. Our Bee Pollen nutritionally packed, it also aids in metabolizing fats and in maintaining a healthy circulatory, digestive, immune, and nervous system.

Garcinia Plus meets the standards for your Clean 9 Program because it contains a number of ingredients that may aid in weight loss, the primary ingredient being Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). Garsinia also has been shown to be a natural appetite suppressant, which makes it a useful tool in weight management.

Forever Lean™ provides two ingredients that can help reduce the body’s absorption of calories from fat and carbohydrates. The first of these ingredients is a fat absorbing fiber derived from the cactus plant. The other unique ingredient is white kidney beans. Together these ingredients can help you by helping to block the absorption of some of the fat and carb calories you ingest


Stabilized 100% pure natural juice obtained from the essence of the Aloe Vera leaf. In its contents and quality it is equal to the raw Aloe juice.
Aloe Vera Gel contains over 250 different active components, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, 12 vitamins, and 16 enzymes.

Uses: Cleansing and detoxifying, removing of dysfunctions of the digestive tract, strengthening the immune system, chronic fatigue, other problems of the digestive tract, hemorrhoids, endocrine system (especially the thyroid gland), migraines, liver and kidney problems, asthma, skin changes (acne, eczema, psoriasis), and hair falling out.

Stabilized 100% pure Aloe Vera gel with addition of concentrated blueberry and apple juice, which increases the concentration of vitamins and minerals. It is an extraordinary preparative for cleansing of kidneys and urinary tract.

Use: Illnesses of the urinary tract, menstrual problems, it speeds up recovery after surgery, anemia, night urination, it improves psychophysical state and the appetite.

Stabilized 100% Aloe Vera gel with peach taste which contains all the healing properties of Aloe Vera gel with the addition of peach. Specially formulated for children.

Use: It is used in all the cases as aloe Vera gel, and since it has a very pleasant taste it is suitable for children.

Stabilized 100% pure Aloe Vera gel with addition of Glucosamine Sulfate, Kondroityn Sulfate, MSM, Vitamin C which acts to retain the functions of joints, connective tissues and mobility. It slows down the degenerative processes of aging in the organism.

Use: Rheumatoid and Osteo-arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation of muscles, joints and connective tissues, back and muscle pains, rheumatism, spondilosis, skeletal aches, and very useful in different kinds of sports injuries. Most effective when combined with Aloe Heat Lotion or MSM gel.

Why Does It Work and How Does It Work?

Why Does It Work?

It works by providing a rich cocktail of nutritional elements whose combined action and balance produce a more powerful effect than would be expected from the addition of the individual components. This is bacause they work as a team, enhancing each other's effect - known as synergism. It also has adaptogenic properties which means it is a substance which increases non-specific resistance of an organism to adverse influences such as infection or stress.

Where Does It Work?

Aloe Vera, because of its nutritional qualities and antitoxident properties, helps firstly to prevent injury to epithedial tissues, an where they are damaged, it promotes healing.
Antitoxidants fight fight the destructive "free radicals", the unstable compounds produced by our metabolism and found in environmental pollutants. They are thought to cause various ailments including some cancers as well as contributing towards the ageing process.
An epithelium is an anatomical term defined as follows: "An epithelium is a layer of cells that covers the body or lines a cavity that connects it."
Our largest epithelium is our skin, but also included are the lining of the gut, the bronchial tubes an the genital tact. No wonder that aloe works just as well on damaged skin as it does, say, on an inflamed bowel or in asthma.

How Does It Work?

Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action combined within its nutritional constituents promote cell growth and therefore healing. However, it is not only helpful for people with problems; most people taking it report a greater sense of well being - they just feel better or they report feeling calmer and less anxious.
I believe this last comment is due to aloe's second effect on the immune system which you may say becomes balanced or fine tuned and therefore more efficient at defending the body from attack.

In Conclusion

Aloe Vera is not a panacea for all ills and there is no magic about it. I believe it works primarily in the two areas mentioned previously - epithelial tissue and the immune system. This is largly backed up by anecdotal evidence, as many thousands of people over the centuries have reported benefit for various skin cmplaints such as eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, burns, acne, even stings and bites. They have found relief for bowl disorders such as colitis, diverticultis and Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Other conditions resulting from a disordered immune system such as arthritis, asthma and ME (post viral fatgue syndrome) and LE (lupus) have improved after a regular ingestion of Aloe Vera gel.
Aloe Vera therefore has a complimentary role to play in the management of various conditions. It is very important however that people should always seek the advice of their doctor when the diagnosis is in doubt or where a condition does not improve. Self diagnosis can be extremely dangerous as many serious conditions can mimic more simple ones.

THE FACTS by Dr. Peter Atherton

What is Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera, often called The Miracle Plant, the Natural Healer, the Burn Plant, goes by many names which have survived the 4000 or so years during which this amazing medicinal herb has benefited mankind.
George Ebers in 1862 first discovered its antiquity in an ancient Egyptian Papyrus, dated 3500 BC., which was in fact a collection of herbal remedies. Other researchers have since found that it was used by both the ancient Chinese and Indian Cultures.

Although there are over 20 species of aloe, there are probably only three or four with medicinal purposes. Of these Aloe Vera Barbadensis (Miller), which is also known as Aloe Vera(Limne), is the most potent.

To benefit from Aloe Vera, the gel can be taken internally for its nutritional effect, or it can be combined with other ingredients to produce tropical creams and lotions to nourish and improve the quality of the skin