Stabilized 100% pure natural juice obtained from the essence of the Aloe Vera leaf. In its contents and quality it is equal to the raw Aloe juice.
Aloe Vera Gel contains over 250 different active components, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, 12 vitamins, and 16 enzymes.

Uses: Cleansing and detoxifying, removing of dysfunctions of the digestive tract, strengthening the immune system, chronic fatigue, other problems of the digestive tract, hemorrhoids, endocrine system (especially the thyroid gland), migraines, liver and kidney problems, asthma, skin changes (acne, eczema, psoriasis), and hair falling out.

Stabilized 100% pure Aloe Vera gel with addition of concentrated blueberry and apple juice, which increases the concentration of vitamins and minerals. It is an extraordinary preparative for cleansing of kidneys and urinary tract.

Use: Illnesses of the urinary tract, menstrual problems, it speeds up recovery after surgery, anemia, night urination, it improves psychophysical state and the appetite.

Stabilized 100% Aloe Vera gel with peach taste which contains all the healing properties of Aloe Vera gel with the addition of peach. Specially formulated for children.

Use: It is used in all the cases as aloe Vera gel, and since it has a very pleasant taste it is suitable for children.

Stabilized 100% pure Aloe Vera gel with addition of Glucosamine Sulfate, Kondroityn Sulfate, MSM, Vitamin C which acts to retain the functions of joints, connective tissues and mobility. It slows down the degenerative processes of aging in the organism.

Use: Rheumatoid and Osteo-arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation of muscles, joints and connective tissues, back and muscle pains, rheumatism, spondilosis, skeletal aches, and very useful in different kinds of sports injuries. Most effective when combined with Aloe Heat Lotion or MSM gel.

Why Does It Work and How Does It Work?

Why Does It Work?

It works by providing a rich cocktail of nutritional elements whose combined action and balance produce a more powerful effect than would be expected from the addition of the individual components. This is bacause they work as a team, enhancing each other's effect - known as synergism. It also has adaptogenic properties which means it is a substance which increases non-specific resistance of an organism to adverse influences such as infection or stress.

Where Does It Work?

Aloe Vera, because of its nutritional qualities and antitoxident properties, helps firstly to prevent injury to epithedial tissues, an where they are damaged, it promotes healing.
Antitoxidants fight fight the destructive "free radicals", the unstable compounds produced by our metabolism and found in environmental pollutants. They are thought to cause various ailments including some cancers as well as contributing towards the ageing process.
An epithelium is an anatomical term defined as follows: "An epithelium is a layer of cells that covers the body or lines a cavity that connects it."
Our largest epithelium is our skin, but also included are the lining of the gut, the bronchial tubes an the genital tact. No wonder that aloe works just as well on damaged skin as it does, say, on an inflamed bowel or in asthma.

How Does It Work?

Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action combined within its nutritional constituents promote cell growth and therefore healing. However, it is not only helpful for people with problems; most people taking it report a greater sense of well being - they just feel better or they report feeling calmer and less anxious.
I believe this last comment is due to aloe's second effect on the immune system which you may say becomes balanced or fine tuned and therefore more efficient at defending the body from attack.

In Conclusion

Aloe Vera is not a panacea for all ills and there is no magic about it. I believe it works primarily in the two areas mentioned previously - epithelial tissue and the immune system. This is largly backed up by anecdotal evidence, as many thousands of people over the centuries have reported benefit for various skin cmplaints such as eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, burns, acne, even stings and bites. They have found relief for bowl disorders such as colitis, diverticultis and Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Other conditions resulting from a disordered immune system such as arthritis, asthma and ME (post viral fatgue syndrome) and LE (lupus) have improved after a regular ingestion of Aloe Vera gel.
Aloe Vera therefore has a complimentary role to play in the management of various conditions. It is very important however that people should always seek the advice of their doctor when the diagnosis is in doubt or where a condition does not improve. Self diagnosis can be extremely dangerous as many serious conditions can mimic more simple ones.

THE FACTS by Dr. Peter Atherton

What is Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera, often called The Miracle Plant, the Natural Healer, the Burn Plant, goes by many names which have survived the 4000 or so years during which this amazing medicinal herb has benefited mankind.
George Ebers in 1862 first discovered its antiquity in an ancient Egyptian Papyrus, dated 3500 BC., which was in fact a collection of herbal remedies. Other researchers have since found that it was used by both the ancient Chinese and Indian Cultures.

Although there are over 20 species of aloe, there are probably only three or four with medicinal purposes. Of these Aloe Vera Barbadensis (Miller), which is also known as Aloe Vera(Limne), is the most potent.

To benefit from Aloe Vera, the gel can be taken internally for its nutritional effect, or it can be combined with other ingredients to produce tropical creams and lotions to nourish and improve the quality of the skin